.. configuration: :mod:`configuration` --- LADiM Configuration ============================================ .. module:: configuration :synopsis: LADiM configuration LADiM's configuration system uses the :mod:`pyyaml` package to read the configuration file. This allows comments, nested keywords, and flexibility in the sequence of keywords, missing or extra keyword, The configuration procedure makes a dictionary. It does not quite match the structure of the yaml configuration file as some of the values are derived or default. Presently the dictionary is somewhat inconsistent to provide backwards compatibility. Future versions will continue to separate the configuration info into separate directories for the gridforce, ibm and output modules. start_time Start time for simulation, [numpy.datetime64] stop_time Stop time for simulation, [numpy.datetime64] reference_time Reference time for simulation, [numpy.datetime64] Used in the units attribute in the netCDF output file particle_release_file Name of particle release file output_file Name of output file or template for sequence of output files start Simulation start "cold" or "warm" warm_start_file Name of warm start file (if needed) dt Model time step in seconds [int] simulation_time Simulation tile in seconds [int] numsteps Number of time steps [int] gridforce Gridforce module with configuration Dictionary of information to the gridforce module input_file Name of input file or template for sequence of input files ibm_forcing List of extra forcing variables beside velocity ibm IBM module with configuration ibm_variables: List of variables needed by the IBM module ibm_module Path to the IBM module release_type Type of particle release, "discrete" or "continuous". release_format List of variables provided during particle release release_dtype Dictionary with name -> type for the release variables particle_variables Names of particle variables among the release variables output_format NetCDF format for the output file skip_initial Logical switch for skipping output of intitial field output_numrec Number of time records per output file, zero means no output splitting output_period Hours between output [int] num_output Number of output time records output_particle Particle variables included in output output_instance Instance variables included in output nc_attributes mapping: variable -> dictionary of netcdf attributes advection Advection scheme, "EF" = Euler Forward, "RK2" = Runge-Kutta order 2, "RK4" = Runge-Kutta order 4 diffusion Logical switch for horizontal random walk diffusion diffusion_coefficient Diffusion coefficient, constant [m/s**2]