.. index:: installation .. _installation: Installation ============ If you are lucky LADiM is already installed at your system. This can be tested by writing :program:`ladim -h` on the command line. If it is installed, you will get some help text. If it is not installed, or the system version is old, you can make a private install under your user. TODO: Implement version information as ``ladim --version`` Private LADiM installation -------------------------- If you do not have system-wide permissions you can install LADiM under your own user. First make sure that you are using python 3.6 or more, by typing :program:`python`:: Python 3.6.5 |Anaconda custom (64-bit)| (default, Mar 29 2018, 18:21:58) [GCC 7.2.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> The python version is the first number. If it is 2.7.x or less you are running legacy python. Try the command :program:`python3`, or on an anaconda system you can change to version 3.6 by ``source activate py36`` or similar. If you do not have python 3.6 on your machine, the `anaconda `_ distribution is recommended. | LADiM is hosted on `github `_, download by the command:: git clone https://github.com/bjornaa/ladim1.git if you don't have :program:`git` installed, download and unzip the zip-file from the LADiM site above. This makes a :file:`ladim` directory under the present directory. Now install LADiM locally, user = your login name:: cd ladim python setup.py install --prefix=/home/user Make sure :file:`/home/user/bin` is in your :envvar:`PATH`. If you want to override a system LADiM it has to go before python's own bin directory (check: `which python[3]`). Also add :file:`/home/user/lib/python3.{x}/site-packages` to the environment variable :envvar:`PYTHONPATH`, where :file:`{x}` is the minor python version. And you are ready to try out LADiM.