Variables in LADiM ================== To obtain the necessary flexibility of different IBMs and different gridforce module determined by at run time by the configuration, it is necessary to have a strict terminology for variables. First some basics, a ``particle`` is the fundamental entity of particle tracking. It has positions and possibly other attributes and keeps its identity troughout the simulation. A ``particle instance`` or simply an ``instance`` is a particle at a fixed time. The ``pid``, short for particle identifier, maps a particle instance to its particle. Particle variable A variable associated to a particle, that does not depend on time. Particle instance variable A variable associated to a particle instance. Typically time-dependent. Position variables Instance variables, X, Y, and Z, that gives the position of the instance in grid coordinates. Particle identifier The projection, ``pid`` from particle instance to particle. It is considered an instance variable. Mandatory variables The position variables and the particle identifier State variables The total collection of variables that determine the model state. IBM-variable A non-mandatory state variable. Derived variables Variables such as longitude and latitude, derived from the state variables. Forcing variable A variable from the forcing file that is used to modify the model state. Main examples are the mandatory horizontal velocity components U and V. Non-mandatory forcing variables, for instance temperature, are called IBM forcing variables. Release variable A variable read from the particle release file, such as initial position. Output variable A variable that is written to the output file Some particle variables, for instance release site code, has no influence on the dynamics and are simply written to output for extra information. Other particle variables may store initial information, like release time or release position, and has no further influence. Other particle variables may influence the dynamics throughout the simulation. Examples are diameter or sinking velocity of non-organic sediment particles. The last category are counted as IBM-variables. Some variables have predefined names. For the state these are the position variables, ``X``, ``Y``, ``Z``, the particle identifier ``pid``, and the logical flags ``alive`` and ``active``. Similarly, the derived longitude and latitude have names ``lon`` and ``lat`` respectively. For the forcing variables it is the horizontal velocity components ``U`` and ``V`` in the grid directions and the vertical velocity ``W`` (positive upwards). IBM variables are referenced indirectly like state.temp or state['temp'] where state is a State object. The particle identifier, ``pid`` is per definition a particle variable. However, it "lives" on particle instances, identifying the particle the instance belongs to. It is therefore considered an instance variable.