LADiM configuration

The LADiM model system is highly configurable using a separate configuration file. The goal is that a user should not have to touch the code, every necessary aspect should be customizable by the configuration file.

The name of the configuration file is given as a command line argument to the main ladim script. If the name is missing, a default name of ladim1.yaml is supposed.

It is a goal to provide sane defaults in the configuration file, so that enhancements of the configuration setup do not break existing configuration files.

The configuration file format is a subset of yaml (YAML Ain’t Markup Language). Knowledge of yaml is not necessary. The example configuration files are self-describing and can easily be modified.


The indentation in a yaml file is mandatory, it is part of the syntax. In particular note that the indentation has to be done by spaces, not tabs. Reasonable editors will recognize yaml-files by the extension and will automatically produce spaces when you hit the tab key.

See also

Module configuration
Documentation of the configuration module

An example configuration file

Below is an example configuration file, models/salmon_lice/ladim1.yaml.